Hello my name is Dean Winchester from Supernatural and I am insanely hot!
That's right he speaks the truth! He's frickin hot!
So my new obsession #1 is with Mr. Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester
New obsession #2
Damn u twitter and all your pimpers of fan fiction..I now cannot go to bed with a "real" book, I have to take my laptop...DAMN YOU!
Obsession #3
Face in Hole.com Cause through it I can meet the men of my dreams...or become a badass like Rosalie Hale! and me and Jensen Ackles..I think I have put this up before but you know what? my blog...:P
I am only addicted to it if my kellebelle1981 does it cause she is a frickin Face in Hole.com Genius...see my twitter account and hers @kellebelle1981
Bone to pick the first Kanye, you are not to quote Leo Dicaprio in Titanic...king of the world! U may think u are, but that doesn't make it TRUE!
It might be different if this was Kanye's 1st offense!
LET'S DO A LITTLE TIME TRAVELING SHALL WE? WE SHALL! 11-14-2004 Gretchen Wilson wins best new artist at the American Music Awards over Kanye. After losing he said, and I quote "I felt like I was definitely robbed, and I refused to give any politically correct bullshit...storming out. "I was the best new artist this year."
12-04-2005 A week b4 Grammy nominations Kanye threatens to "have a real problem" if his album doesn't win album of the year! Well we have a freakin problem WITH YOU!
and then...again... 11-02-06
After Kanye's single didn't win over Justin vs. Simian's "We Are Your Friends" at the MTV Europe Music Awards, he interrupts THEIR acceptance speech saying, "Oh, hell no. You guys won already." Backstage the tantrum reached a crescendo. "It's complete bullshitt he showted. Later, Kanye admitted to having had a few pre-show cocktails."
Oh I was drinking...umm...can u say the dog ate my homework?
Then only 2 years ago, on 09-09-07 at the 2007 VMA's in Las Vegas, Kanye gives Sin City it's name with the language he used after losing in all 5 of the categories he was nominated, he went completely berserk--andunfortunately for him his rant was caught on camera. "F*** MTV," Kanye screamed. "I lost to the f****** Black Eyed Peas last year man, I'm never f****** coming to MTV."
We wish he would have kept that particular promise.
Bone to pick the second Bullshit headlines! They are just an EPIC FAIL!
In the article, which everyone has seen by now...
Title: Twilight Wedding: The 'I Do' Details I can't even say how ridiculous this is. They have been dating for all of what, like 4 months...and Kristen is 19. If they are totally stupid and want to get divorced in about 2 years...sure! NOT!
Breaking Dawn hasn't even got a director or filming date and OK! magazine somehow has the "inside" information? Okay, sure, what makes you so damn special?
I'm just so OVER this making crap up! It's aggravating!
Bone to pick the third Bitch! This white trash ho....screams trailer trash from every angle! Why is she like the hottest thing (according to men) in Hollywood right now?
Bone to pick the fourth Jenn... she's cool she's humble she's pretty WHY THE HELL IS SHE STILL SINGLE!
If she can't find a good man then no one can..geez!
Bone to pick the fifth How dare you even mention the word Christ in your lives, much less pretend to be a follower of him...please...you worship money, fame, and plastic surgery! Don't you be talkin bout Jesus when you two are some of the most despicable humans on the planet. kthanxbye!
(They pretended to be praying, Spencer the pratt even got baptized by a Baldwin brother...because Jesus and the Baldwins are BFFs or something! on the reality show "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here")
Bone to pick the sixth Perez freakin Hilton! Why are you famous again?
Bone to pick the seventh where the hell are you guys?
dear david slade: can we have some Eclipse cast pics...can you quit HOUDINIFYING everything? We are dying here! kthanxbye!
Bone to pick the eighth Why does Vancouver, British Columbia Canada get all the good movies and movie star sightings? What makes them special...other than sucking?
K enough of that bone pickin.... On to some fun stuff: hehehehehehehehe
u know what sucks? CANCER!
and that it robs people of their lives! RIP Patrick!
THINGS I LOVE NCIS awesomespice
SUPERNATURAL aka Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester umm...hi!
VAMPIRE DIARIES Stefan HOT! that's all
TWILIGHT SAGA-ALL DUHSPICE! hello hotness....bring it on!
So, I've been reading magazines about the death of this well-loved and respected man... Patrick fought for 20 months against the deadliest cancer out there a cancer that should have killed him in 6 months.
I mean who can forget him in Dirty Dancing? His legacy will live forever on that movie...if they remake it with someone else...I am prepared for the consequences of killing whoever's idea that is...I mean they are already making Footloose over again, next thing you know it will be
Zac Efron Stars as Danny Zucco in Grease...alongside, Vanessa Hudgens and an all new soundtrack with songs by Lady Gaga!
Oh Holy Crapballs that better NEVER happen or I will cut a bitch! I mean it too!
If you haven't watched or seen Dirty Dancing, you are too young to be reading this blog...stop now! kthanxbye!
anyhoo..for those of us advanced enough in the years! Let's continue! Patrick in his last days as the cancer took away those muscles we all loved and adored so much....Damn you CANCER we will find a cure for you one day...
back to celebrating him one of my favorite movie scenes EVER, hence the reason I know it word for word:
Sylvia, yes Mickey, how do u call your lover boy? Hey lover boy, and if he doesn't answer, oh lover boy, and if STILL doesn't answer, baaaabaaay ohhhhh baaaybbbay ur the one..... Here he is in Red Dawn, his first big movie.
and a movie that all men love and all women will watch because of the hotness of Patrick Swayze... and the movie that showed us he REALLY CAN act...Ghost...alongside the queen of the cougars! (Demi Moore)
Here he is in Point Break...alongside a then, baby, Keanu Reeves
One of the saddest things I read in the article was...how he would go work a 12 hour day on The Beast and then come home and lay in the floor in excruciating pain biting his fist so that his screams wouldn't wake up the woman he had loved since he was 19... OMG!!!! HOW SAD IS THAT? I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME THAT MUCH! It just makes us love you all the more!
In other news, Baby names in Hollywood keep getting wierder...
Welcome to the world, Sparrow...son of Nicole Richie and Joel Madden brother to Harlow...next thing u know people will be naming their kids Table and Chair..I mean Michael Jackson already named on of his kids Blanket.
So the other day I was walking through a dark night club when who did I run into?
Only one of the hottest men ever....
oh hello hotness...Jensen Ackles......so yeah um we are engaged!
It's true!
in my fantasies!
hehe Me and @kellebelle1981 cannot stop laughing and quoting the following watch you will die...so funny!
Here's another one that killed me..the rastabortionist...hehahahahahaha
Anyway, I still love Kellan Lutz and I adore whoever it was who took a picture of him working out! Hotness!
Dear Kanye West: I don't care how many times you say you're sorry, what you did was stupid...so you are NOT forgiven!!!
Although it did give us fodder for some hilarious PHOTOSHOPPED pictures...like this: hahahahahahahhahahahaha! (thanks, pocketedwardseviltwins, ur my fav)
If he had interrupted Voldemort that would be different....but yeah Taylor Swift...not so much!
After all our hard work and pimping major style....we finally got a real legit RPattz tweet....
Thanks a million. Here’s Rob… Hi, it’s Rob… My first and last tweet. My dad made me do it.
Okay...that was very anti-climactic...and I have to say boring...if not a little teeny bit funny...
So, it's official RPattz does not and will never have a twitter account...can you blame him? I mean the man already has everyone tracking his every move why do we think he has the inclination to type it too? Ummm..not!
I love how he calls Peter his dad..hehe
Anyhoo.. me and the kellebelle have been watching Supernatural and we are officially in love with the following:
Holy hotness, winchester brothers!
Life will royally suck when that show goes off the air! I will however watch all the seasons on DVD over and over and over and over again because of said hotness above... umm...droolspice
I tip my cowboy hat to your hotness...awesomespice!
Dear Twilight Cast Members nah nah nah boo boo...come out come out whereever you are...why when you were shooting New Moon...did your every move get photographed and I will admit I got a little sick of it...then now comes the filming of Eclipse and ...ummm...
NOTHING! The other day I saw like really bad camera angled pictures of one hotness Kellan Lutz working out at a Vancouver gym and there have been like 2 set pics of "the wig" and that's all...nothing...even pics from the VMA's are hella disappointing (although,Rob, taylor and Kristen all looked great) I know that adoring fans coming at u from every direction can be annoying, but we are jonesin man...we need our Twicrack, we need our Robsten!
Dear Neal Patrick Harris: you bes coolspice...me love you, you are Legen-wait for it-wait-for-it Dary!
We are also in love with the following as well: Who says you can't love more than one man at a time..pshaw!
hello...stefan and your evil and less hot brother damon...haaaaiii hotness!
So here is what Elena is supposed to look like in the books
Hello, blonde and freaking cheerleadery.... here's the TV Elena...can we see the differences... Umm..not blonde, not cheerleadery, fake fog...not even close!
And my last thing to talk about that kills me...is: I love it the Wedding of the Year, the whole article is about what Bella's wedding might be like in Breaking Dawn...the details are the details in Breaking Dawn and even some of the quotes...they are running out of stories and things are getting twilight-zone-ish....ahhhh!!!
The "Exotic honeymoon" is Bella and Edward's not Rob and Kristen's oh my gawd are they crazy? This is just....aren't there laws against this or something? Gah!
and hotness...thank you paparrazzi...(we love you shhhh don't tell!) Guess what? Jackson Rathbone = hotness and he's in a band hotness x's 2...
you have been taught now go forth and impart this knowledge on others! I am a teacher after all...lol Just wish all my lessons were this fun!
Anyhoo, run out of topics to ramble about so I'm out...
Love Julz, Queen of Randomness...when it comes to random accept no substitutes!